two squares on a hexagon solution

Solution to the Two Squares on a Hexagon Puzzle

Two Squares on a Hexagon

Two squares and a regular hexagon. What’s the angle?

Solution by Angle Properties

Two squares on a hexagon labelled

With the points labelled as above, let x=BO^Fx = B \hat{O} F. Then as angle OB^FO \hat{B} F is a right angle and angles in a triangle add up to 180 180^\circ, BF^O=90 xB \hat{F} O = 90^\circ - x. Since KK is the midpoint of OFO F and triangle OBFO B F is a right-angled triangle, triangle BKFB K F is isosceles and so angle KB^F=KF^B=90 xK \hat{B} F = K \hat{F} B = 90^\circ - x. This means that angle BK^F=180 2×(90 x)=2xB \hat{K} F = 180^\circ - 2 \times (90^\circ - x) = 2 x and so angle BK^H=90 +2xB \hat{K} H = 90^\circ + 2 x.

The length of BKB K is equal to that of KFK F which is equal to the length of KHK H. Hence triangle BKHB K H is also isosceles and so angle KB^HK \hat{B} H is one half of 180 (90 +2x)180^\circ - (90^\circ + 2 x) which is 45 x45^\circ - x. Then:

HB^F=KB^FKB^H=(90 x)(45 x)=45 ) H \hat{B} F = K \hat{B} F - K \hat{B} H = (90^\circ - x ) - (45^\circ - x) = 45^\circ)

To get the requested angle, note that EJ^I=HB^CE \hat{J} I = H \hat{B} C by alternate angles and DE^J=60 D \hat{E} J = 60^\circ as the exterior angle of a regular hexagon. So using angles in a triangle and angles on a straight line, angle DI^J=180 (180 45 60 )=105 D \hat{I} J = 180^\circ - (180^\circ - 45^\circ - 60^\circ) = 105^\circ.

Solution by Circle Theorems

Construct a circle centred on KK and passing through OO. As KHK H and KOK O are sides of a square, HH is also on this circle. As KK is the midpoint of OFO F, FF is also on this circle. Finally, as triangle OBFO B F is a right-angled triangle and OFO F is a diagonal, BB is also on this circle.

Two squares on a hexagon circled

Using angles in the same segment are equal, angles FB^HF \hat{B} H and FO^HF \hat{O} H are equal. Since FO^HF \hat{O} H is the angle between a side and a diagonal of a square, it is 45 45^\circ. Hence FB^H=45 F \hat{B} H = 45^\circ. The requested angle then is 105 105^\circ as above.

Solution by Transformation

With the points labelled as above, the point FF moves on a straight line through BB and CC. The point HH is obtained from FF by a fixed transformation of a rotation of 45 45^\circ anticlockwise about OO and scaling by 12\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}. It therefore also moves on a straight line.

To see where this straight line is, consider two special cases. In the first, FF is at BB. In this configuration, HH is at a point so that angle GB^H=45 G \hat{B} H = 45^\circ.

Two squares on a hexagon first special case

In the second, FF is taken to the left so that the length of FBF B is the same as that of OBO B. This brings HH to coincide with BB and shows that BB is on the line that HH moves along.

Two squares on a hexagon second special case

Taken together, these show that HH moves on a line that goes through BB at an angle of 45 45^\circ to the horizontal.

Solution by Invariance Principle

In the configuration where FF is at BB, the line BHB H is the diagonal of a square so the angle GH^BG \hat{H} B is 45 45^\circ. From here, the given angle can be calculated as 105 105^\circ as above.