seven hexagons solution

Solution to the Seven Hexagons Puzzle

Seven Hexagons

Seven regular hexagons. What fraction is shaded?

Solution by Lengths in a Regular Hexagon and Pythagoras' Theorem

Seven hexagons labelled

In the diagram above, let xx be the side length of one of the hexagons. Using the calculations on lengths in a regular hexagon, the line segment ACA C has length 33x3\sqrt{3} x. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle ABCA B C shows that the length of ABA B is 28x\sqrt{28}x. This is the diameter of the large circle so its area is 7πx 27 \pi x^2. The diameter of the smaller circles is the same as the shorter diameter of the hexagons, namely 3x\sqrt{3} x, so their combined area is 7×π34x 2=34×7πx 27 \times \pi \frac{3}{4} x^2 = \frac{3}{4} \times 7 \pi x^2. Therefore, 34\frac{3}{4} of the large circle is shaded.