equilateral triangle in a hexagon solution

Solution to the Equilateral Triangle in a Hexagon Puzzle

Equilateral triangle in a hexagon

What proportion of the hexagon is shaded?

Solution by Properties of a Regular Hexagon, Area of a Trapezium, and Area of a Triangle

Equilateral triangle in a hexagon labelled

With the points labelled as above, let hh be half the height of the hexagon. The side length is 3a3 a, so the area of the hexagon is 6×12×3a×h=9ah6 \times \frac{1}{2} \times 3 a \times h = 9 a h.

Consider the region GBCIG B C I. By symmetry, GG is one third of the way between BB and AA, so the distance between the lines BCB C and GHG H is 13h\frac{1}{3} h. Similarly, II is one third of the way from DD to CC, so the height of II above GHG H is also 13h\frac{1}{3} h. Since BCB C has length 3a3 a and ADA D has length 6a6 a, the length of GHG H is 4a4 a. So the area of GBCIG B C I is:

12(3a+4a)×13h+124a×13h=11ah6 \frac{1}{2} (3 a + 4 a) \times \frac{1}{3} h + \frac{1}{2} 4 a \times \frac{1}{3} h = \frac{11 a h}{6}

There are three such regions, meaning that the total unshaded area is 112ah\frac{11}{2} a h which means that the shaded region has area 72ah\frac{7}{2} a h and this is 718\frac{7}{18}ths of the hexagon.