crossed hexagon solution

Crossed Hexagon

Crossed Hexagon

What fraction of the regular hexagon is shaded?

Solution by Similar Triangles and Vertically Opposite Angles

Crossed hexagon labelled

In triangles BGDB G D and AGEA G E, the sides BDB D and AEA E are parallel, and the angles BG^DB \hat{G} D and EG^AE \hat{G} A are vertically opposite and so equal. Therefore, triangles BGDB G D and AGEA G E are similar. Since AEA E has twice the length of BDB D, the length scale factor is 22 and the area scale factor is 44. The length of FGF G is twice that of CGC G, so CGC G has length one third of that of CFC F. Triangle BFDB F D is an equilateral triangle with area one sixth of the area of the whole hexagon. So the area of BGDB G D is 118\frac{1}{18}th of the area of the whole hexagon. Triangle AGEA G E then has area four times that, so has area 418\frac{4}{18}ths of the whole hexagon. Therefore, the area of the shaded region is 1018=59\frac{10}{18} = \frac{5}{9}ths of the hexagon.

Solution by Crossed Trapezium

The quadrilateral ABDEA B D E with its diagonal lines is a crossed trapezium. In such, the areas of the four triangles are in the ratio 1:s:s:s 21 : s : s : s^2 where ss is the ratio of the parallel sides. Therefore the ratio of the area of the shaded region to the whole trapezium is 1+s 21+2s+s 2\frac{1 + s^2}{1 + 2 s + s^2}. As s=2s = 2, this is 59\frac{5}{9}. Since the other half is a copy of this trapezium, that ratio then holds for the whole hexagon.