a square and a hexagon solution

Solution to the Square and a Hexagon Puzzle

A Square and a Hexagon

Two regular polygons. What’s the angle?

Solution by Angle in a Semi-Circle, Angles in the Same Segment, and angles in a Regular Hexagon

A square no a hexagon labelled

In the diagram above, the orange circle is the circumcircle of the regular hexagon. The chord ABA B joins opposite vertices so is a diameter of the circle. Angle AG^DA \hat{G} D is a right-angle and so since the angle in a semi-circle is a right-angle, GG lies on the circle. Then since angles in the same segment are equal, angle BG^DB \hat{G} D is the same as angle BA^DB \hat{A} D, which is half the interior angle of a regular hexagon and so is 60 60^\circ.