two overlapping hexagons and a rectangle solution

Solution to the Two Overlapping Hexagons and a Rectangle Puzzle

Two Overlapping Hexagons and a Rectangle

One corner of each regular hexagon lies on the diagonal of the rectangle. What fraction of the rectangle is shaded?

Solution by Similarity and Lengths in a Regular Hexagon

Two overlapping hexagons and a rectangle labelled

The two triangles at the top of the shaded region are congruent to the two white triangles below it, showing that the area of the shaded region is the same as the area of the rectangle with height parallel to KHK H and width parallel to EFE F.

The height of the outer rectangle, which is the length of CBC B, is the larger diameter of the hexagons, which is twice a side length. Thus the length of CBC B is twice that of HGH G. The points EE and FF correspond to HH and GG along ABA B, so EFE F is half of ABA B and is located centrally along that edge.

So along ABA B, JJ is at the midpoint, while EE is at the midpoint of AJA J and FF of JBJ B. Point II is at the midpoint of AFA F. So the points along ABA B lie at the following locations (as proportions of ABA B): EE is at 14\frac{1}{4}, II at 38\frac{3}{8}, JJ at 12\frac{1}{2}, and FF at 34\frac{3}{4}. This means that JJ is one third of the way between II and FF, so KK is one third of the way from BB to GG. Since BGB G is one quarter of BCB C, KGK G is two thirds of one quarter of BCB C, which is 16\frac{1}{6}.

As a proportion of BGB G then KHK H is 12+16=23\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{6} = \frac{2}{3} while EFE F is 12\frac{1}{2} of ABA B. So the shaded region has area equal to 12×23=13\frac{1}{2} \times \frac{2}{3} = \frac{1}{3} of the area of the outer rectangle.