triangle overlapping a hexagon solution

Solution to the Triangle Overlapping a Hexagon Puzzle

Triangle Overlapping a Hexagon

If the area of the regular hexagon is 2424, what’s the area of the equilateral triangle?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem and Properties of Regular Hexagons and Equilateral Triangles

Triangle overlapping a hexagon labelled

Let xx be the length of one of the sides of the hexagon and let yy be the length of one of the sides of the triangle. Then using lengths in a regular hexagon, the length of ECE C in the diagram is 3x\sqrt{3} x. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle EBCE B C shows that:

y 2=(12x) 2+(3x) 2=134x 2 y^2 = \left(\frac{1}{2} x\right)^2 + \left( \sqrt{3} x\right)^2 = \frac{13}{4} x^2

From regular hexagon, the area of the hexagon is 332x 2\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2} x^2 and from equilateral triangle, the area of the triangle is 34y 2\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} y^2. So x 2=163x^2 = \frac{16}{\sqrt{3}} and

34y 2=13316x 2=13 \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} y^2 = \frac{13\sqrt{3}}{16} x^2 = 13

Hence the area of the equilateral triangle is 1313.