tilted triangles solution

Solution to the Tilted Triangles Puzzle

Tilted Triangles

The two equilateral triangles are congruent. What’s the angle?

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference

Tilted triangles labelled

With the points labelled as in the above diagram, since the triangles are equilateral and congruent the lengths of OEO E, ODO D, OBO B, and OAO A are all the same so the circle centred on OO that passes through EE also passes through DD, BB, and AA.

Since the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference, the reflex angle EO^AE \hat{O} A is twice angle EB^AE \hat{B} A. The same argument shows that angle BO^DB \hat{O} D is twice angle BA^DB \hat{A} D. Adding together angles BA^DB \hat{A} D and EB^AE \hat{B} A therefore gives half of the sum of BO^DB \hat{O} D and EO^AE \hat{O} A. Angles DO^ED \hat{O} E and AO^BA \hat{O} B are both the interior angle of an equilateral triangle so are 60 60^\circ. Since the angles at a point add up to 360 360^\circ, this means that angles BA^DB \hat{A} D and EB^AE \hat{B} A add up to 120 120^\circ. Then as the angles in a triangle add up to 180 180^\circ, angle AC^BA \hat{C} B is 60 60^\circ and so BC^DB \hat{C} D is 120 120^\circ.