overlapping triangle and hexagon solution

Solution to the Overlapping Triangle and Hexagon Puzzle

Overlapping Triangle and Hexagon

One corner of the regular hexagon is on the midpoint of the triangle’s base. What fraction of the total area is shaded?

Solution by Properties of Regular Hexagons and Equilateral Triangles

Let xx be the length of one side of the hexagon. Using lengths in a regular hexagon, the equilateral triangle has height 2x2 x and so has base 43x\frac{4}{\sqrt{3}} x. Its area is therefore 43x 2\frac{4}{\sqrt{3}} x^2. The two remaining parts of the hexagon each can be reassembled into an equilateral triangle with side length xx, so each has area 34x 2\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} x^2. The total area is therefore:

43x 2+32x 2=1123x 2 \frac{4}{\sqrt{3}} x^2 + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} x^2 = \frac{11}{2\sqrt{3}} x^2

The unshaded area consists of the hexagon without the two upper triangles, so has area equal to four equilateral triangles with side length xx. Its area is therefore 3x 2\sqrt{3} x^2. The shaded area is therefore

1123x 23x 2=523x 2 \frac{11}{2\sqrt{3}} x^2 - \sqrt{3} x^2 = \frac{5}{2\sqrt{3}} x^2

The fraction that is shaded is then 511\frac{5}{11}.