divided hexagon ii solution

Solution to the Divided Hexagon II Puzzle

Divided Hexagon II

What fraction of this regular hexagon is shaded?

Solution by Equilateral Triangles and Hexagons

Divided hexagon II labelled

By considering the decomposition into equilateral triangles and half equilateral triangles, the containing rectangle is equivalent in area to 88 equilateral triangles and the hexagon to 66. The unshaded strip in the centre is one third of the rectangle, so is 83\frac{8}{3}rds of an equilateral triangle. The shaded region is therefore 683=1036 - \frac{8}{3} = \frac{10}{3}rds of an equilateral triangle and so is 1018=59\frac{10}{18} = \frac{5}{9}ths of the hexagon.