two squares overlapping a square ii solution

Solution to the Two Squares Overlapping a Square Puzzle

Two Squares Overlapping a Square II

Three squares. What’s the green area?

Solution by Similar Triangles

Two squares overlapping a square II labelled

The starting point of this strategy is to consider the rectangle AJLMA J L M. The triangles CHJC H J and CIFC I F are congruent, so the lengths of JHJ H and IFI F are the same. The side of the longer square is therefore the same as the side of the shorter square plus the length of JHJ H. As EJE J is the side of the shorter square without JHJ H, the segment AJA J has length twice the side of the shorter square. The area of AJLMA J L M is therefore double that of the smaller square, hence 2424.

Comparing this with the larger square, we have rectangle EJLIE J L I too much and MIFGM I F G too little. The areas of these rectangles are given by FI×GFF I \times G F and EJ×IEE J \times I E. We can replace IEI E by AMA M and GFG F by AGA G.

Triangles CIFC I F and AMNA M N are congruent, so the lengths of FIF I and MNM N are the same. The lengths of FPF P and AJA J are the same, so EPE P and EJE J have the same length, then as triangles AEPA E P and AGKA G K are congruent, so EJE J and GKG K have the same length. So we can replace FIF I by MNM N and EJE J by GKG K. The areas of the two rectangles are therefore equal to AM×GKA M \times G K and AG×MNA G \times M N.

The triangles AMNA M N and AGKA G K are similar, meaning that AM:MN=AG:GKA M : M N = A G : G K. Rearranging this shows that AM×GK=AG×MNA M \times G K = A G \times M N and so that the two rectangles MIFGM I F G and EJLIE J L I have the same area. This means that the green square has the same area as the rectangle AJLMA J L M, which is 2424.

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference

Two squares overlapping a square II circled

Consider the circle centred at the point EE that passes through AA and FF (as AEFGA E F G is a square, the lengths of EAE A and EFE F are equal so the circle does pass through both).

The angle FE^AF \hat{E} A is a right-angle, as it is the corner of a square. The angle FC^AF \hat{C} A is 45 45^\circ, as it is between a diagonal and side of a square. Therefore, by the result that the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference, CC lies on the circle centred at EE. The segment ECE C is therefore a radius of this circle and so the length of ECE C is the same as that of FEF E. As ECE C is a diagonal of the smaller square, the square with side ECE C has area twice that of the smaller square and so the area of the green square is 2×12=242 \times 12 = 24.