two squares overlapping a semi-circle solution

Two Squares Overlapping a Semi-Circle

Two Squares Overlapping a Semi-Circle

Find the area of the semicircle. (Blue shapes are squares)

Solution by Angle in a Semi-Circle, Vertically Opposite Angles, and Similar Triangles

Two squares overlapping a semi-circle labelled

With the points labelled as in the above diagram, the direct line from DD to BB forms a right-angle with the line ADA D since this is the angle in a semi-circle. Since DED E is also at right-angles to ADA D, this means that DBD B is an extension of DED E, so DEBD E B is a straight line. Similarly, AECA E C is a straight line.

Since vertically opposite angles are equal, angles CE^DC \hat{E} D and AE^BA \hat{E} B are equal. Then AEA E is a diagonal of a square of which DED E is a side, and BEB E is a diagonal of a square of which CEC E is a side. Put together, these mean that triangle AEBA E B is similar to triangle DEBD E B with scale factor 2\sqrt{2}. The length of ABA B is therefore 10210 \sqrt{2} and so the area of the semi-circle is 25π25 \pi.