two squares on a circle solution

Solution to the Two Squares on a Circle Puzzle

Two Squares on a Circle

The radius of the circle is 44. What’s the combined area of the two squares?

Solution by Angle in a Semi-Circle and Pythagoras' Theorem

Two squares on a circle labelled

In the above diagram, angle CB^AC \hat{B} A is a right-angle, so as the angle in a semi-circle is a right-angle, ACA C must be a diameter of the circle. It therefore has length 88. Let the squares have side lengths aa and bb, with aa of the yellow square and bb of the pink. Then ABA B has length a2a\sqrt{2} and BCB C has length b2b\sqrt{2}. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle ABCA B C shows that:

(a2) 2+(b2) 2=8 2 (a\sqrt{2})^2 + (b\sqrt{2})^2 = 8^2

So a 2+b 2=32a^2 + b^2 = 32. Since the areas of the squares are a 2a^2 and b 2b^2, this shows that the combined area of the two squares is 3232.