two squares diagonally inside a rectangle solution

Solution to the Two Squares Diagonally Inside a Rectangle Puzzle

Two Squares Diagonally Inside a Rectangle

Two squares sit on the diagonal of the rectangle. The red sections of the diagonal are equal length. What fraction of the rectangle is shaded?

Solution by Similar Triangles

Two squares diagonally inside a rectangle labelled

Let aa be the length of a red segment and bb the length of a side of the square. The triangles labelled AA and BB are similar, so the ratios a:ba : b and b:2a+bb : 2 a + b are equal. This means that b 2=a(2a+b)=2a 2+abb^2 = a(2 a + b) = 2 a^2 + a b. This has solution b=2ab = 2 a (the other possible solution is b=ab = -a but aa and bb are both lengths). The ratio of the lengths of the shorter sides of these triangles is then 1:21 : 2.

The diagonal of the rectangle is then 7a7 a.

Consider a half rectangle. This is then a right-angled triangle similar to the others so its shorter sides are in the ratio 1:21 : 2. To compute its height (in order to then calculate its area) consider the following diagram in which triangles ADCA D C and CDBC D B are right-angled triangles with shorter sides of lengths in ratio 1:21 : 2.

Two to one right angled triangle

Then the ratio of the lengths of ADA D to DBD B is 1:41 : 4 so the ratio of CDC D to ABA B is 2:52 : 5.

So the height of the half rectangle is 145a\frac{14}{5} a and so its area is 7a×145a=985a 27 a \times \frac{14}{5} a = \frac{98}{5} a^2. The combined area of the blue squares is 2×(2a) 2=8a 22 \times (2 a)^2 = 8 a^2. So the fraction of the rectangle that is shaded is 4098=2049\frac{40}{98} = \frac{20}{49}.