two squares and a semi-circle solution

Solution to the Two Squares and a Semi-Circle Puzzle

Two Squares and a Semi-Circle

What’s the total area of these two squares?

Solution using Chords and Pythagoras' theorem

Two squares and a semi-circle labelled

The centre of the circle lies on the perpendicular bisectors of the chords BCB C and ABA B. The perpendicular bisector of BCB C passes through its midpoint EE and the corner FF while that of ABA B passes through DD and GG. Triangle HOFH O F is a right-angled isosceles triangle that is congruent to FEBF E B. This establishes OGO G has having the same length as the half side, DBD B. So ODO D is three times the length of DBD B.

Let xx be the length of ABA B, then DBD B had length 12x\frac{1}{2} x and OGO G has length 32x\frac{3}{2} x. Since the length of OBO B is 55, Pythagoras' theorem applied to triangle OBDO B D establishes that:

5 2=(12x) 2+(32x) 2=1+94x 2=52x 2 5^2 = \left(\frac{1}{2} x\right)^2 + \left(\frac{3}{2} x \right)^2 = \frac{1 + 9}{4} x^2 = \frac{5}{2} x^2

The total area of the squares is then 2x 2=202 x^2 = 20.