two semi-circles inside a semi-circle solution

Two Semi-Circles Inside a Semi-Circle

Two Semi-Circles Inside a Semi-Circle

The two shaded semicircles are the same size. What fraction of the larger semicircle do they cover?

Solution by Angle Between a Radius and Tangent, Pythagoras' Theorem, and Properties of Chords

Two semi-circles inside a semi-circle labelled

In the above diagram, point OO is the centre of the larger semi-circle while points CC and BB are the centres of the shaded ones. Let rr be the radius of the smaller semi-circles and RR the radius of the largest one. Then rr is the length of BDB D and of CAC A, while BCB C has length 2r2 r. Both ODO D and OEO E have length RR.

As ABA B is tangent to the left-hand semi-circle, angle BA^CB \hat{A} C is 90 90^\circ since it is the angle between a radius and tangent. Therefore, triangle CABC A B is right-angled and applying Pythagoras' theorem to it shows that ABA B has length 3r\sqrt{3} r. Then ADA D has length (1+3)r(1 + \sqrt{3}) r and so OAO A has length (1+3)rR(1 + \sqrt{3})r - R.

Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle CAOC A O shows that the length of OCO C is given by:

((1+3)rR) 2+r 2 \sqrt{ ((1 + \sqrt{3})r - R)^2 + r^2}

Since EFE F is a chord of the outer semi-circle, and CC is its midpoint, the line COC O is perpendicular to EFE F and so triangle ECOE C O is right-angled. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to this yields the equation:

R 2 =((1+3)rR) 2+r 2+r 2 =6r 2+23r 22(1+3)rR+R 2 2(1+3)rR =6r 2+23r 2 R =3+31+3r =3r \begin{aligned} R^2 &= ((1 + \sqrt{3})r - R)^2 + r^2 + r^2 \\ &= 6 r^2 + 2 \sqrt{3} r^2 - 2(1 + \sqrt{3})r R + R^2 \\ 2(1 + \sqrt{3})r R &= 6 r^2 + 2\sqrt{3} r^2 \\ R &= \frac{3 + \sqrt{3}}{1 + \sqrt{3}} r \\ &= \sqrt{3} r \end{aligned}

The area of the larger semi-circle is therefore 12πR 2=32πr 2\frac{1}{2} \pi R^2 = \frac{3}{2} \pi r^2. The shaded area is πr 2\pi r^2. Therefore the fraction that is shaded is 23\frac{2}{3}.