two rectangles of equal area solution

Solution to the Two Rectangles of Equal Area Puzzle

Two Rectangles of Equal Area

The pink and blue rectangles have the same area. What is it?

Solution by Similarity and Vertically Opposite Angles

Two rectangles of equal area labelled

With the points labelled as above, let ABA B have length aa and BCB C have length bb. The area of triangle CBAC B A is 12ab\frac{1}{2} a b so ab=6a b = 6.

The triangles ECDE C D and ACBA C B are similar since they are both right-angled and angles BC^AB \hat{C} A and DC^ED \hat{C} E are equal as they are vertically opposite. The area scale factor is 44, so the length scale factor is 4=2\sqrt{4} = 2. This means that the length of CDC D is twice that of ABA B, and of DED E is twice that of ABA B. In terms of aa and bb, CDC D has length 2b2 b and DED E has length 2a2 a.

Triangle EFGE F G is also right-angled and angles GE^FG \hat{E} F and DE^CD \hat{E} C are equal as they are vertically opposite. So GFEG F E is similar to CBAC B A. Let the scale factor be cc, so that the length of EFE F is cac a and of GFG F is cbc b.

Rectangle GFDIG F D I has width cbc b and height ca+2ac a + 2 a while rectangle DBAHD B A H has width 3b3 b and height aa. As the pink and blue rectangles have the same area, these two rectangles also have the same area. So:

cb(ca+2a)=3ba c b( c a + 2 a) = 3 b a

which simplifies to c(c+2)=3c(c + 2) = 3. The solution to this is c=1c = 1 (the other possible solution is c=3c = -3 but cc is a positive scale factor). So GFEG F E is actually congruent to CBAC B A and the length of FHF H is 4a4a. The area of the blue rectangle is therefore 4a×3b=12ab=724a \times 3 b = 12 a b = 72.