two rectangles in a semi-circle solution

Two Rectangles in a Semi-Circle

Two Rectangles in a Semi-Circle

Two congruent rectangles sitting in a semicircle. What’s the angle?

Solution by Properties of Chords and Angle at the Circumference is Half the Angle at the Centre

Two rectangles in a semi-circle labelled

As the rectangles are congruent, the diagonals OAO A and OBO B are of equal length and so triangle AOBA O B is isosceles. This means that point OO lies on the perpendicular bisector of ABA B. Since ABA B is a chord, the centre of the circle also lies on that perpendicular bisector. Since OO is also on the diameter, then, it is the centre.

Using the fact that the angle at the circumference is half the angle at the centre, angle AC^BA \hat{C} B is half of angle AO^BA \hat{O} B, read anti-clockwise from AA to BB. As the rectangles are congruent, angles AO^DA \hat{O} D and DO^BD \hat{O} B add up to 90 90^\circ, so angle AO^BA \hat{O} B is 270 270^\circ, and hence angle AC^BA \hat{C} B is 135 135^\circ.