two overlapping squares solution

Solution to the Two Overlapping Squares Puzzle

Two Overlapping Squares

Two overlapping squares. What’s the shaded area?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem and Similar Triangles

Two overlapping squares labelled

Let the two squares have side lengths aa and bb, with aa for the light blue and bb for the dark blue. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle ABCA B C shows that:

b 2=a 2+5 2 b^2 = a^2 + 5^2

Triangle AEDA E D is similar to triangle ABCA B C with scale factor ab\frac{a}{b}, so the length of AEA E is a 2b\frac{a^2}{b}. The area of the shaded region is then given by:

b×(ba 2b)=b 2a 2=5 2=25 b \times \left(b - \frac{a^2}{b}\right) = b^2 - a^2 = 5^2 = 25