two congruent rectangles in a square solution

Two Congruent Rectangles in a Square

Two Congruent Rectangles in a Square

Two congruent rectangles are packed into a square. What’s the angle?

Solution by Similar Triangles and a lot of algebra

Two congruent rectangles in a square labelled

With the points labelled as above, work in units so that the outer square has side length 11. With this convention, let aa be the length of ABA B, bb of CEC E, and cc of EGE G.

Triangles CEGC E G and FBCF B C are similar, with scale factor aa, so BCB C has length aca c. Also, triangle GHIG H I is congruent to FBCF B C so HGH G has length aba b. Therefore, EHE H has length c+abc + a b and AEA E has length a+ac+ba + a c + b. These are both equal to 11, so:

c+ab =1 a+ac+b =1 \begin{aligned} c + a b &= 1 \\ a + a c + b &= 1 \end{aligned}

Added these together gives a+(a+1)(c+b)=2a + (a + 1)(c + b) = 2, so c+b=2a1+ac + b = \frac{2 - a}{1 + a}. Likewise, subtracting gives cb=a1ac - b = \frac{a}{1 - a}. So:

2c =2a1+a+a1a c =1a+a 21a 2 2b =2a1+aa1a b =12a1a 2 \begin{aligned} 2c &= \frac{2 - a}{1 + a} + \frac{a}{1 - a} \\ c &= \frac{1 - a + a^2}{1 - a^2} \\ 2b &= \frac{2 - a}{1 + a} - \frac{a}{1 - a} \\ b &= \frac{1 - 2 a}{1 - a^2} \end{aligned}

Triangle CEGC E G is right-angled, and CGC G has length 11, so applying Pythagoras' theorem shows that b 2+c 2=1b^2 + c^2 = 1 which leads to:

(1a+a 21a 2) 2+(12a1a 2) 2 =1 (1a+a 2) 2+(12a) 2 =(1a 2) 2 1+a 2+a 42a+2a 22a 3+14a+4a 2 =12a 2+a 4 16a+9a 22a 3 =0 \begin{aligned} \left(\frac{1 - a + a^2}{1 - a^2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{1 - 2 a}{1 - a^2}\right)^2 &= 1 \\ (1 - a + a^2)^2 + (1 - 2 a)^2 &= (1 - a^2)^2 \\ 1 + a^2 + a^4 - 2 a + 2 a^2 - 2 a^3 + 1 - 4 a + 4 a^2 &= 1 - 2 a^2 + a^4 \\ 1 - 6 a + 9 a^2 - 2 a^3 &= 0 \end{aligned}

Either by inspection or by noting that there is a solution where the two rectangles each occupy half the square, this equation can be seen to have a root at a=12a = \frac{1}{2}. Dividing out by 12a1 - 2 a results in the quadratic:

14a+a 2=0 1 - 4 a + a^2 = 0

which has roots 2±32 \pm \sqrt{3}. As 2+32 + \sqrt{3} is greater than 11, the solution must be 232 - \sqrt{3}. Substituting in for bb gives b=12b = \frac{1}{2}. This means that CEC E is half the length of CGC G, and so triangle CEGC E G is half an equilateral triangle so angle EC^GE \hat{C} G is 60 60^\circ.

Solution by Lengths in Rectangles and Equilateral Triangles

With the points labelled as in the diagram above, CIC I is a diagonal of the blue rectangle so is the same length as AKA K. The quadrilateral ACIKA C I K therefore has two sides the same length (AKA K and CIC I) and the other two sides parallel. It is therefore a parallelogram and in particular CIC I is parallel to AKA K.

This means that reflecting rectangle FCGIF C G I in CIC I produces the rectangle CDIJC D I J with CDC D along AEA E and IJI J along HLH L. So this is a horizontal translate of rectangle ABKLA B K L. In particular, CDC D has the same length as ABA B and DD is directly below II.

Triangles FBCF B C and GHIG H I are congruent, so BCB C and IHI H have the same length, and so BCB C and DED E have the same length. This means that ACA C and CEC E have the same length, so CEC E is half the length of AEA E and thus half the length of CGC G.

As above, this means that GCEG C E is half an equilateral triangle so angle EC^GE \hat{C} G is 60 60^\circ.