two congruent rectangles and a semi-circle solution

Solution to the Two Congruent Rectangles and a Semi-Circle Puzzle

Two Congruent Rectangles and a Semi-Circle

The two rectangles are congruent. What’s the angle?

Solution by Congruent Polygons and Angles of Triangles

Two congruent rectangles and a semi-circle labelled

The goal is to show that in the above diagram then point OO is the centre of the semi-circle. As the rectangles are congruent, their diagonals are the same length and so the lengths of ADA D and DBD B are the same. Triangles ODAO D A and ODBO D B are both right-angled triangles with two sides the same length. They are therefore congruent and so the lengths of OAO A and OBO B are the same (this can also be deduced from Pythagoras' theorem). This establishes OO as the midpoint of the diameter ABA B and so as the centre of the circle.

Since OO is the centre, OEO E has the same length as OAO A. As this is also the same length as OBO B and the rectangles are congruent, the line segment AEA E has the same length as OAO A and OEO E. Triangle OEAO E A is therefore equilateral and so angle EO^AE \hat{O} A is 60 60^\circ. Angle DO^ED \hat{O} E is then 90 60 =30 90^\circ - 60^\circ = 30^\circ. As the rectangles are congruent, sides ODO D and EDE D have the same length, and so triangle ODEO D E is isosceles. This establishes angle OE^DO \hat{E} D as also 30 30^\circ and so ED^O=180 60 =120 E \hat{D} O = 180^\circ - 60^\circ = 120^\circ since angles in a triangle add up to 180 180^\circ. Finally, angle CD^E=360 120 90 =150 C \hat{D} E = 360^\circ - 120^\circ - 90^\circ = 150^\circ since angles at a point add up to 360 360^\circ.