two circles inside an equilateral triangle solution

Solution to the Two Circles Inside an Equilateral Triangle Puzzle

Two Circles Inside an Equilateral Triangle

The triangle is equilateral. What’s the angle?

Solution by Isosceles Triangle and Angles in a Quadrilateral

Two circles inside an equilateral triangle labelled

In the above diagram, the line segment DFD F is tangent to the two circles at HH. The lengths of FGF G and FHF H are the same, so triangle FGHF G H is isosceles and so angles HG^FH \hat{G} F and FH^GF \hat{H} G are equal. Extending HFH F and ECE C to the point where they meet creates another isosceles triangle to show that angles EH^FE \hat{H} F and CE^HC \hat{E} H are also equal. The sum of the four angles CE^HC \hat{E} H, EH^FE \hat{H} F, FH^GF \hat{H} G, and HG^FH \hat{G} F is then twice the marked angle. As the outer triangle is equilateral, angle AC^BA \hat{C} B is 60 60^\circ. As the angles in a quadrilateral sum to 360 360^\circ, this means that angles CE^HC \hat{E} H, EH^GE \hat{H} G, and HG^CH \hat{G} C sum to 300 300^\circ meaning that the marked angle is 150 150^\circ.

Solution by Invariance Principle

Two circles inside and equilateral triangle special

In the above diagram, the two circles are the same size as each other. The red line is then vertical and goes through point CC. Angles GC^HG \hat{C} H and HC^EH \hat{C} E are both 30 30^\circ and triangles HCGH C G and ECHE C H are isosceles (and congruent) with base angles half of 180 30 =150 180^\circ - 30^\circ = 150^\circ. So angle EH^GE \hat{H} G is 150 150^\circ.