two circles in a rectangle solution

Two Circles in a Rectangle

Two Circles in a Rectangle

What’s the angle?

Solution by Angle Between a Radius and Tangent, Isosceles Triangle, and Angles in a Quadrilateral

Two circles in a rectangle labelled

With the points labelled as above, point OO is the centre of the yellow circle.

Angle DC^OD \hat{C} O is the angle between a radius and tangent so is 90 90^\circ, as is angle OB^DO \hat{B} D. Since triangle COBC O B has two radii of the yellow circle, it is isosceles and so angles BC^OB \hat{C} O and OB^CO \hat{B} C are equal. Therefore, angles DC^BD \hat{C} B and CB^DC \hat{B} D are equal. (This can also be seen by considering how the diagram behaves under a reflection through the line through ODO D.)

A similar argument shows that angles BA^EB \hat{A} E and DB^AD \hat{B} A are equal. Therefore, the sum of angles BA^EB \hat{A} E and DC^BD \hat{C} B is the same as angle CB^AC \hat{B} A.

Adding up the angles in the quadrilateral EABCE A B C, therefore, gives 90 90^\circ plus twice angle CB^AC \hat{B} A. Since the angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360 360^\circ, angle CB^AC \hat{B} A must be 135 135^\circ.