triangle inside circle and triangle solution

Solution to the Triangle Inside Circle and Triangle Puzzle

Triangle Inside Circle and Triangle

One corner of the equilateral triangle is at the centre of the semicircle. What’s the total area of the large black triangle?

Solution by Angles in a Cyclic Quadrilateral, Angles at a Point on a Straight Line, and Similar Triangles

Triangle inside circle and triangle labelled

With the points labelled as above, angles AE^CA \hat{E} C and CB^AC \hat{B} A add up to 180 180^\circ as they are the opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral, so angle CE^DC \hat{E} D is the same as angle CB^AC \hat{B} A since angles at a point on a straight line also add up to 180 180^\circ. Similarly, angles DC^ED \hat{C} E and BA^EB \hat{A} E are equal. So triangles DECD E C and DBAD B A are similar, with CC corresponding to AA and EE to BB. The scale factor comes from comparing ECE C with ABA B: since ECE C has length equal to a radius of the semi-circle and ABA B is a diameter, the scale factor is 22. Therefore triangle DABD A B has are four times that of DECD E C, so has area 1212.