three tilted rectangles solution

Solution to the Three Tilted Rectangles Puzzle

Three Tilted Rectangles

This design is made of three 2×12 \times 1 rectangles. What fraction of it is shaded?

Solution by Symmetry and Pythagoras' Theorem

Three tilted rectangles labelled

With the points labelled as above, the line AEA E is a diagonal of the tilted rectangle and reflecting the tilted rectangle in this line results in the rectangle ABEFA B E F, showing that AHA H is the same length as ABA B.

Let xx be the length of AHA H, so then AFA F has length 2x2 x. Let yy be the length of GHG H. Then AGA G has length 2xy2 x - y since GHG H and GFG F are the same length. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle GHAG H A shows that:

x 2+y 2=(2xy) 2=4x 24xy+y 2 x^2 + y^2 = (2 x - y)^2 = 4 x^2 - 4 x y + y^2

which rearranges to 4xy=3x 24 x y = 3 x^2 so y=34xy = \frac{3}{4} x. The shaded region therefore has area 34x 2\frac{3}{4} x^2.

The area of the total design is equivalent to three rectangles of area 2x 22 x^2 each with the red regions removed, so the total area is 214x 2\frac{21}{4} x^2.

The shaded region is therefore 17\frac{1}{7}th of the total design.