three squares inside a triangle solution

Solution to the Three Squares Inside a Triangle Puzzle

Three Squares Inside a Triangle

Three squares inside a triangle. What’s the sum of the two shaded areas?

Solution by Similar Triangles and Pythagoras' Theorem

Three squares inside a triangle labelled

With the points labelled as in the above diagram, triangles DEFD E F and BCDB C D are similar. The lengths of CBC B and CAC A are the same, and the lengths of EFE F and GEG E are the same. So the full length of DAD A is the sum of the lengths of DCD C and CBC B, and the full length of GDG D is the same as the sum of the lengths of GEG E and EFE F. These are sides of the white square, so GDG D and DAD A are the same length, and so the triangles DEFD E F and BCDB C D are actually congruent.

This means that the length of BDB D is half of that of BFB F, so is 33. Also EFE F and DCD C are the same length. Writing aa for the length of BCB C and bb for the length of CDC D, the sum of the two shaded areas is a 2+b 2a^2 + b^2. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle BCDB C D shows that a 2+b 2=3 2=9a^2 + b^2 = 3^2 = 9 so the sum of the two shaded areas is 99.