three squares in a triangle solution

Three Squares in a Triangle

Three Squares in a Triangle

The areas of the three squares are given. What’s the area of the red triangle?

Solution by Similar Triangles

Three squares in a triangle labelled

With the points labelled as above, the areas of the squares mean that the side lengths are as follows: the length of DED E is 22, the length of EHE H is 66, and the length of HIH I is 33.

Then LKL K has length 63=36 - 3 = 3 which is the same length as KJK J so triangle LKJL K J is an isosceles right-angled triangle. Triangles JIBJ I B and CNLC N L are similar to this triangle, so IBI B also has length 33 and NLN L is the same length as CNC N.

On the other side, MFM F has length 62=46 - 2 = 4 so in right-angled triangle GFMG F M, the lengths of the horizontal to vertical sides are in the ratio 1:21:2. This means that ADA D has length 11 and the length of MNM N is half that of CNC N.

Putting these together, the length of MLM L is 32\frac{3}{2} times the length of CNC N, so the length of CNC N is 44 as that of MLM L is 66.

The length of the base of the triangle, so of ABA B, is then 1+2+6+3+3=151 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 3 = 15 and its height is 6+4=106 + 4 = 10. Therefore its area is 7575.