three quarter circles solution

Solution to the Three Quarter Circles Puzzle

Three Quarter Circles

Two of these quarter circles are the same size. What’s the angle?

Solution by Similar Triangles and Angles in a Triangle

Three quarter circles labelled

With the points labelled as in the diagram, the following line segments are all radii of one or other of the two quarter circles that are the same size and so all have the same length: AFA F, AEA E, and BEB E. Therefore triangles AEFA E F and EABE A B are isosceles. Triangle BFAB F A is also isosceles as the line segments BFB F and BAB A are radii of the larger quarter circle.

The triangles AEFA E F and BFAB F A share an angle at FF, and this is a “base” angle for both isosceles triangles so these triangles are similar. Therefore angle FA^EF \hat{A} E is equal to angle FB^AF \hat{B} A and thus also to angle EA^BE \hat{A} B. The base angle of triangle BFAB F A is therefore twice the apex angle, and so the sum of the angles in triangle BFAB F A is five times the angle FB^AF \hat{B} A. Since the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 180^\circ, angle FB^AF \hat{B} A is therefore 180 5=36 \frac{180^\circ}{5} = 36^\circ.

The requested angle is thus 90 36 =54 90^\circ - 36^\circ = 54^\circ.