three overlapping squares solution

Solution to the Three Overlapping Squares Puzzle

Three Overlapping Squares

The side lengths of the two blue squares are given. What’s the missing length?

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference

Three overlapping squares labelled

Since the diagonal of the dark blue rectangle lies along the top edge of the black square, angle AB^CA \hat{B} C is 135 135^\circ. The reflex angle AO^CA \hat{O} C is 360 90 =270 360^\circ - 90^\circ = 270^\circ. Since 270 270^\circ is twice 135 135^\circ, using the fact that the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference, the circle centred at OO through AA and CC also passes through BB. Then OBO B has the same length as OAO A and so has length 77.

Solution by Invariance Principle

Three overlapping squares special

In this configuration, the points AA and BB coincide and so the requested length is a side of the square, which is 77.