three equal angles in a rectangle solution

Three Equal Angles in a Rectangle

Three Equal Angles in a Rectangle

The three angles are equal. What fraction of the rectangle is shaded?

Solution by Angles in a Rectangle and Angles in a Triangle

Three angles in a rectangle labelled

With the points labelled as in the diagram, point FF is such that angle BF^DB \hat{F} D is a right-angle.

As the outer shape is a rectangle, angle ED^CE \hat{D} C is 90 90^\circ. Since the three marked angles are equal, they must therefore each by 30 30^\circ. Angle CA^DC \hat{A} D is also 30 30^\circ, either by alternate angles from angle ED^AE \hat{D} A or angles in a triangle. The triangles AFBA F B, DFBD F B, and DCBD C B are therefore all similar, but then by considering the edges in common they are in fact congruent. The shaded area is therefore 23\frac{2}{3} of triangle DCAD C A and so 13\frac{1}{3} of the full rectangle.