squares meeting in a circle solution

Squares Meeting in a Circle

Squares Meeting in a Circle

The two squares are identical, and the pink line is a diameter of the circle. What’s the area of the pink triangle?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem and Area of a Triangle

Squares meeting in a circle labelled

Let xx be the length of the sides of the squares. As ABA B is the height of a triangle with base xx and area 55, it has length 10x\frac{10}{x}. Similarly, CDC D has length 24x\frac{24}{x}. Triangles AOBA O B and ODCO D C are congruent and are right-angled. Let rr be the radius of the circle, then by Pythagoras' theorem, r 2=100x 2+576x 2=676x 2r^2 = \frac{100}{x^2} + \frac{576}{x^2} = \frac{676}{x^2}. So xr=26x r = 26. The pink triangle therefore has area 12xr=13\frac{1}{2} x r = 13.