square with midpoints solution

Solution to the Square with Midpoints Puzzle

Square with Midpoints

Dots are midpoints. What fraction of the square is shaded?

Solution by Similar Triangles

Square with midpoints labelled

In the above diagram, the point labelled GG is directly below EE.

Triangle AEGA E G is similar to triangle ADCA D C, while triangle GBEG B E is similar to ABFA B F. So the length of GBG B is half of EGE G which is half of AGA G. So GBG B is one fifth of ABA B, and so EGE G is two fifths of ABA B and so a fifth of ACA C. This means that triangle AEBA E B is one twentieth of the area of the full square. Triangles ADCA D C and ABFA B F are both one quarter of the area of the square. Therefore the shaded area is the following fraction of the square:

14110+14110=310 \frac{1}{4} - \frac{1}{10} + \frac{1}{4} - \frac{1}{10} = \frac{3}{10}