square overlapping a quarter circle solution

Solution to the Square Overlapping a Quarter Circle Puzzle

Square Overlapping a Quarter Circle

The three coloured sections here have the same area. What’s the total area of the square?

Solution by Area of a Triangle and Pythagoras' Theorem

Square overlapping a quarter circle labelled

With the points labelled as above, let xx be the length of OAO A so the area of the square is x 2x^2. As the coloured sections have the same area, the area of triangle OABO A B is a third of that of the square, so from the area of a triangle, ABA B has length 23x\frac{2}{3} x. Since OBO B is a radius of the circle, it has length 1313 and so applying Pythagoras' theorem to OABO A B gives:

13 2=x 2+49x 2=139x 2 13^2 = x^2 + \frac{4}{9} x^2 = \frac{13}{9} x^2

This shows that the area of the square is x 2=9×13=117x^2 = 9 \times 13 = 117.