square and rectangle overlapping in a semi-circle solution

Square and Rectangle Overlapping in a Semi-Circle

Square and Rectangle Overlapping in a Semi-Circle

The square and rectangle intersect at the centre of the semicircle. What’s the total yellow area?

Solution by Area of a Triangle and Congruent Triangle

Square and rectangle in a semi-circle labelled

With the points labelled as above, both ODO D and OAO A are radii of the semi-circle and so have the same length. Triangle AODA O D is therefore isosceles and so triangles DCOD C O and ABOA B O are congruent. This means that OCO C is half the length of BCB C and so the area of triangle DCOD C O is a quarter of that of the whole square.

A similar argument applies to rectangle DEFGD E F G to show that the area of triangle DEOD E O is a quarter of that of the whole rectangle.

The two rectangles taken separately (that is, without considering their overlap) is therefore 4×15=604 \times 15 = 60. To find the area of the yellow regions, each then needs the purple region removed so the area of the yellow region is 602×15=3060 - 2 \times 15 = 30.