rectangle tilted over a square solution

Solution to the Rectangle Tilted Over a Square Puzzle

Rectangle Tilted Over a Square

An orange rectangle and a black square. What’s the shaded area?

Solution by Similar Triangles

Rectangle tilted over a square labelled

In the above diagram, triangles ABCA B C and CDEC D E are similar since they are right-angled triangles and angles AC^BA \hat{C} B and DC^ED \hat{C} E add together to give 90 90^\circ. Therefore the ratio of lengths AC:BCA C : B C and CE:DEC E : D E are equal. Since EDE D is twice BCB C, ECE C is therefore twice CAC A, and hence is of length 88. The shaded area is therefore 4×8=324 \times 8 = 32.

Solution by Invariance Principle

The shaded rectangle can be tilted by varying amounts. Drawing it vertically, so that points AA and BB coincide, means that the outer square has side length 88 and the height of the rectangle is the same as the side length.