rectangle quartered by semi-circles solution

Solution to the Rectangle Quartered by Semi-Circles Puzzle

Rectangle Quartered by Semi-Circles

What’s the area of the dark blue rectangle?

Solution by Alternate Angles and Similar Triangles

Rectangle quartered by semi-circles labelled

In the above diagram, the points labelled OO and QQ are the centres of their respective semi-circles. The line OQO Q passes through the point PP where the circles touch. Angles PO^BP \hat{O} B and FQ^PF \hat{Q} P are alternate angles so are equal and thus triangles OBPO B P and QFPQ F P are similar triangles. Since OAO A and OPO P are radii of the semi-circle, they have the same length; similarly, PQP Q and QEQ E have the same length. Therefore, the lengths of ABA B and EFE F are in the same ratio as those of PBP B and PFP F. Replacing ABA B by HPH P and EFE F by PDP D in that leads to:

HPPD=BPPF \frac{H P}{P D} = \frac{B P}{P F}

which rearranges to HP×PF=BP×PDH P \times P F = B P \times P D and so the blue rectangles have the same area, which is 2424.