rectangle overlapping a circle solution

Solution to the Rectangle Overlapping a Circle Puzzle

Rectangle Overlapping a Circle

The four marked angles are equal. If the rectangle’s width is 33, what’s the area of the circle?

Solution by Angle in a Semi-Circle and Angles in the Same Segment

Rectangle overlapping a circle labelled

With the points labelled as in the diagram, angle AD^BA \hat{D} B is a right-angle so using the result that the angle in a semi-circle is a right-angle, ABA B is a diameter of the circle. Then by the same result, angle AC^BA \hat{C} B is also a right-angle. This means that the marked angle is 30 30^\circ.

Angle DC^AD \hat{C} A is then 30 30^\circ and so as angles in the same segment are equal, angle DB^AD \hat{B} A is also 30 30^\circ. So triangle ABDA B D is a 30 60 90 30^\circ-60^\circ-90^\circ right-angled triangle, which means it is half an equilateral triangle. This means that the length of BDB D is 32\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} times the length of ABA B, so ABA B has length 23×3=23\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} \times 3 = 2 \sqrt{3} and the radius of the circle is therefore 3\sqrt{3}. Its area is then 3π3 \pi.