rectangle, circle, and triangle solution

Solution to the Rectangle, Circle, and Triangle Puzzle

Rectangle, Circle, and Triangle

A rectangle, a circle, and a 3453{-}4{-}5 triangle. What fraction of the rectangle is shaded?

Solution by Properties of Chords, the Intersecting Chords Theorem, and Similar Triangles

Rectangle, circle, and triangle labelled

With the points labelled as above, triangle ABEA B E has a right-angle at BB so since the angle in a semi-circle is 90 90^\circ, AEA E is a diameter of the circle. Then as BDB D is a chord of the circle and AEA E is perpendicular to this chord and passes through the centre of the circle, it must pass through the midpoint of BDB D. Therefore ADA D has the same length as ABA B, which is 44.

Applying the intersecting chords theorem to the chords BCB C and ACA C shows that:

BC×EC =AC×DC 3×EC =5×1 \begin{aligned} B C \times E C &= A C \times D C \\ 3 \times E C &= 5 \times 1 \end{aligned}

So the length of ECE C is 53\frac{5}{3} meaning that the length of BEB E is 43\frac{4}{3}. Therefore BAB A is 33 times the length of BEB E.

Triangles BFEB F E and BAFB A F are both similar to triangle BAEB A E, so the length of BFB F is 44 times that of FEF E, and of AFA F is 44 times of BFB F. Putting these together, BFB F is 417\frac{4}{17} of the length of AEA E.

As the rectangle and triangle have the same “height”, the fraction of the rectangle that is shaded is given by comparing half the length of BDB D to the length of GHG H. Half the length of BDB D is the length of BFB F, and the length of BDB D is a diameter of the circle, which has the same length as AEA E. Therefore 417\frac{4}{17}ths of the rectangle is shaded.