parallelogram in a rectangle solution

Parallelogram in a Rectangle

Parallelogram in a Rectangle

What fraction is shaded?

Solution by Similar Triangles and Area of a Triangle

Parallelogram in a rectangle labelled

With the points labelled as above, triangles ADCA D C and GDEG D E are similar: angles DA^CD \hat{A} C and DG^ED \hat{G} E are equal as they are alternate angles, the same applies to angles AC^DA \hat{C} D and GE^DG \hat{E} D. Since EGE G has half the length of ACA C, the length of DFD F is half of that of BDB D. Therefore the length of BDB D is 23\frac{2}{3}rds of the length of BFB F. The area of triangle ACDA C D is then 13\frac{1}{3} of the area of the lower half of the square. Hence the area of the parallelogram is 13\frac{1}{3}rd of the area of the square.

Solution by Tessellation or Dissection

Parallelogram in a rectangle labelled

The above diagram shows either by tessellation or dissection that the square has the same area as three parallelograms.