overlapping triangles in a circle solution

Solution to the Overlapping Triangles in a Circle Puzzle

Overlapping Triangles in a Circle

The circle contains a square and two overlapping equilateral triangles. What’s the area of this overlap?

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference, Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles

Overlapping triangles in a circle labelled

Let the points be labelled as above.

Consider triangle AHCA H C. As AHIBA H I B is a square and HICH I C an equilateral triangle, AHA H and HCH C have the same length so triangle AHCA H C is isosceles. Angle CH^AC \hat{H} A is 90 +60 =150 90^\circ + 60^\circ = 150^\circ so angle AC^HA \hat{C} H is 15 15^\circ. A similar argument shows that angle IC^BI \hat{C} B is also 15 15^\circ, so angle BC^AB \hat{C} A is 30 30^\circ. This is half of angle BO^AB \hat{O} A so as triangle BOAB O A is equilateral, since the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference, OO is the centre of the circle.

Triangle OGDO G D is then isosceles with angle 120 120^\circ at OO (as it is twice angle GC^DG \hat{C} D). This means that angle OD^EO \hat{D} E is 30 30^\circ which is the same as angle EO^DE \hat{O} D so triangle EODE O D is isosceles and can be thought of as two half equilateral triangles aligned along their short sides. The length of ODO D is therefore 3\sqrt{3} times the length of OEO E.

Then ODO D is the same length as OAO A, and of ABA B, and of HIH I. So the side length of equilateral triangle HICH I C is 3\sqrt{3} times the side length of EFOE F O. The area of HICH I C is therefore 33 times the area of EFOE F O, and so EFOE F O has area 88.