four squares iv solution

Solution to the Four Squares IV Puzzle

Four Squares IV

Four squares. What’s the angle?

Solution by Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference and Angle in a Semi-Circle

Four squares iv labelled

With the points labelled as in the above diagram, the circle is centred at GG and passes through the vertices AA, EE, and FF of the light blue squares.

As point EE lies on the line segment CBC B, angle AC^EA \hat{C} E is 45 45^\circ, while angle AG^EA \hat{G} E is 90 90^\circ. By the converse to the Angle at the Centre is Twice the Angle at the Circumference, this means that CC lies on the circle. Since FAF A is a diameter of the circle, angle FC^AF \hat{C} A is the angle in a semi-circle and so is 90 90^\circ. Then as angle DC^AD \hat{C} A is 45 45^\circ, angle FC^DF \hat{C} D is 45 45^\circ.

Solution by the Invariance Principle

Four squares iv rotated

Consider the rotated diagram above and view the dark blue square, ABCDA B C D, as fixed. In this scenario, the point labelled EE is free to move on the line segment BCB C. As it does so, the point labelled FF also moves on a straight line (relative to the dark square). The extremes are when EE is at BB and at CC and are shown below. From this, FF moves on a line from CC at an angle of 45 45^\circ to the line segment DCD C.

Four squares iv extreme case B

Four squares iv extreme case C