four squares in a semi-circle solution

Solution to the Four Squares in a Semi-Circle Puzzle

Four Squares in a Semi-Circle

Four squares inside a semicircle. What’s the semicircle’s area?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem and similar triangles

Four squares in a semi-circle with the midpoint

Let OO be the centre of the circle and MM the midpoint of the chord ACA C. Then OAO A and OBO B are radii of the circle and OMO M meets ACA C at a right-angle. As MM is the midpoint of ACA C, MCM C has length 44. To find a radius, we can use Pythagoras' Theorem on triangle MOCM O C once we have found the length of MOM O.

To find this, we start by noticing that triangles MDOM D O and ABCA B C are similar. So:

MO:AC=MD:ABM O : A C = M D : A B

Let aa be the height of the left-hand boxes and bb the height of the right-hand boxes. Then AB=2a+2bA B = 2 a + 2 b. As MM is the midpoint of ACA C, its height above the diameter is a+b2\frac{a + b}{2} and this is the length of MDM D. So the ratio MD:ABM D : A B is 1:41 : 4 and so MO=2M O = 2.

From Pythagoras’ Theorem, the radius r=OBr = O B satisfies

r 2=OM 2+MC 2=2 2+4 2=20 r^2 = O M^2 + M C^2 = 2^2 + 4^2 = 20

and so the area of the semi-circle is:

πr 22=π202=10π \frac{\pi r^2}{2} = \frac{\pi 20}{2} = 10 \pi

Solution by Invariance Principle

What can be varied here is the relative sizes of the two sets of squares. At each extreme, one pair of squares vanishes. Another useful configuration is when all four squares are the same size.

Four squares in a semi-circle with two squares

When two squares vanish, the length 88 stretches across both remaining squares as the hypotenuse of the triangle ABCA B C in the above diagram. The remaining lengths, ABA B and BCB C are in the ratio 2:12 : 1. The triangle ACDA C D is similar to ABCA B C, with hypotenuse ADA D, so CDC D is half of ACA C, which is 44. Applying Pythagoras' Theorem to ACDA C D then ADA D, the diagonal of the semi-circle, is given by the square root of 8 2+4 2=808^2 + 4^2 = 80.

As the radius is half the diameter, its square is a quarter of the square of the diameter, and so is 2020. The area of the semi-circle is therefore:

πr 22=20π2=10π \frac{\pi r^2}{2} = \frac{20 \pi}{2} = 10 \pi

Four squares in a semi-circle with equal squares

When all four squares are the same size, each must have side length of 22. The centre of the circle is now at the lower common vertex of the middle two squares, and the length of a radius is the diagonal of the rectangle comprising two of the squares. As each square has side length 22, Pythagoras' Theorem says that

r 2=2 2+4 2=20 r^2 = 2^2 + 4^2 = 20

This gives the area as

20π2=10π \frac{20 \pi}{2} = 10\pi