four squares ii solution

Solution to the Four Squares II Puzzle

Four Squares II

Four squares. What’s the shaded area?

Solution by Dissection and Similar Triangles

Four squares II labelled

With the points labelled as in the above diagram, the shaded region has the same area as that of rectangle KEFHK E F H. This can be seen by dissection, since triangles KLEK L E and IJGI J G are congruent, and then triangles IJKI J K and GFEG F E are also congruent.

Triangle GFEG F E is also congruent to LMEL M E, so the length of FEF E is the same as that of MEM E. It is also similar to triangle EDNE D N. The squares ABQPA B Q P and BCDNB C D N have area scale factor 44, so have length scale factor 22, meaning that BCB C is twice the length of ABA B. So DND N is twice the length of EDE D. By similarity, then, MEM E is twice the length of MLM L which is twice the length of MKM K, so MEM E is 45\frac{4}{5}ths of KEK E.

The area of KEFHK E F H is therefore 45\frac{4}{5}ths of the area of a square with side length KEK E, but such as square is ACEKA C E K and this has area 20+5+5+5+5+5=4520 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 45. So the shaded area is 45×45=36\frac{4}{5} \times 45 = 36.