four regular polygons solution

Four Regular Polygons

Four Regular Polygons

The area of two of these regular polygons has been given. Can you find the area of the red triangle?

Solution by Congruent Triangles

Four regular polygons labelled

In the diagram above, the lengths of ABA B and ADA D are the same, as are the lengths of ACA C and AEA E. Angles BA^DB \hat{A} D and CA^EC \hat{A} E are equal, so the angles BA^CB \hat{A} C and DhatAED hat{A} E are equal. This means that triangles BACB A C and DAED A E are congruent, and so CBC B and EDE D have the same length. Since the triangles are equilateral, they are therefore congruent and so the area of the red triangle is also 33.

Solution by Transformation

The rotation that is centred on AA that takes BB to DD also takes CC to EE, and so triangles ACBA C B and AEDA E D are congruent.