four equilateral triangles round a square solution

Four Equilateral Triangles Round a Square

Four Equilateral Trangles Round a Square

Four equilateral triangles are arranged around a square which has area 1212. What’s the total shaded area?

Solution by Properties of an Equilateral Triangle

Let xx be the side length of the inner square, so that x 2=12x^2 = 12. From the relationships between the lengths in an equilateral triangle, the height of the equilateral triangles is 32\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} and so the diagonal of the outer square is x+3xx + \sqrt{3}x. The area of the outer square is therefore:

12(x+3x) 2=(2+3)x 2=24+123 \frac{1}{2} (x + \sqrt{3} x)^2 = (2 + \sqrt{3}) x^2 = 24 + 12\sqrt{3}

The area of each equilateral triangle is 34x 2=33\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} x^2 = 3 \sqrt{3} and so the area of all four is 12312 \sqrt{3}. Hence the shaded area is 24+12312123=1224 + 12 \sqrt{3} - 12 - 12 \sqrt{3} = 12.