five triangles in a rectangle solution

Five Triangles in a Rectangle

Five Triangles in a Rectangle

Five copies of the same triangle have been fitted into a rectangle. What fraction of it do they cover?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem

Five triangles in a rectangle labelled

With the points labelled as above, let aa, bb, and cc be the lengths of the sides of the triangle in increasing order, so that aa is the length of ABA B, bb of AJA J, and cc of BJB J. Comparing the lengths of EJE J with ADA D gives the identity 2c=2a+b2 c = 2 a + b. Since triangle BAJB A J fits in the corner of the rectangle, it is a right-angled triangle and so Pythagoras' theorem applies to give that c 2=a 2+b 2c^2 = a^2 + b^2.

Squaring the first identity shows that 4c 2=4a 2+4ab+b 24 c^2 = 4 a^2 + 4 a b + b^2 which shows that 3b 2=4ab3 b^2 = 4 a b and so 4a=3b4 a = 3 b. Let x=13ax = \frac{1}{3} a, then a=3xa = 3x, b=4xb = 4x, and c=5xc = 5x.

The area of one triangle is then 12×3x×4x=6x 2\frac{1}{2} \times 3 x \times 4 x = 6 x^2, so the area of all the triangles is 30x 230 x^2. To calculate the area of the rectangle, split it along JEJ E. The area of JEFIJ E F I is the area of four triangles, so is 24x 224 x^2. The area of ADEJA D E J is b×2c=4x×10x=40x 2b \times 2 c = 4 x \times 10 x = 40 x^2. The total area is then 64x 264 x^2. The fraction of the rectangle covered is therefore 4064=58\frac{40}{64} = \frac{5}{8}.