five overlapping circles solution

Five Overlapping Circles

Five Overlapping Circles

What’s the area of the smallest circle?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem

Five overlapping circles labelled

Let aa be the radius of the cyan circle and bb of the dark blue. Then the length of ABA B is 2a2 a, of BCB C is 2ab2 a - b, and of ACA C is 2a+b2 a + b. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle ABCA B C shows that:

(2a+b) 2=(2ab) 2+(2a) 2=8a 24ab+b 2 (2 a + b)^2 = (2 a - b)^2 + (2 a)^2 = 8 a^2 - 4 a b + b^2

This simplifies to 8ab=4a 28 a b = 4 a^2, so a=2ba = 2 b. This means that the area of the small circle is a quarter of the area of the cyan circle, so has area 99.