five decreasing squares solution

Solution to the Five Decreasing Squares Puzzle

Five Decreasing Squares

What fraction of the largest square is shaded?

Solution by Dissection

Five decreasing squares dissection

In the above picture, the area of the orange square is twice the area of the blue square while the area of the green square is twice the area of one orange square and half a blue square. So the orange square has area five times that of the blue square. Therefore in the original puzzle the largest square has area twenty-five times that of the smallest.

Solution by Pythagoras’ Theorem

Five decreasing squares labelled

With the points labelled as above, let aa be the length of AFA F, bb the length of ABA B, and cc of FCF C. Then AGA G has length 12b\frac{1}{2}b and FGF G has length 32b\frac{3}{2}b so applying Pythagoras’ Theorem to triangle AFGA F G shows that

a 2=b 24+9b 24=10b 24 a^2 = \frac{b^2}{4} + \frac{9b^2}{4} = \frac{10 b^2}{4}

Applying Pythagoras’ Theorem to triable DFCD F C then shows that b 2=2c 2b^2 = 2 c^2. Putting those together yields a 2=5c 2a^2 = 5 c^2.

This ratio occurs twice in the main diagram, so the area of the largest square is twenty-five times that of the smallest.