five congruent rectangles solution

Solution to the Five Congruent Rectangles Puzzle

Five Congruent Rectangles

Five congruent rectangles. What’s the angle?

Solution by Congruent Shapes

Five congruent rectangles labelled

By considering the three rectangles on the right-hand side, the basic rectangle in this diagram has sides with lengths in the ratio 2:12 : 1. The point EE is therefore the midpoint of the side of the vertical rectangle and so the rectangle AEDFA E D F is therefore also congruent to the basic rectangle.

The line segments ADA D, DBD B, and BCB C are then all diagonals of their respective rectangles and since all these rectangles are congruent, they have the same length. The middle of these three rectangles is oriented vertically while the other two are horizontal, so the line segment DBD B is perpendicular to the other two. So angle AD^BA \hat{D} B is a right-angle. Triangle DBCD B C is then an isosceles right-angled triangle so angle BD^CB \hat{D} C is 45 45^\circ. Putting these together, angle AD^CA \hat{D} C is 135 135^\circ.