five circles in a rectangle in a semi-circle solution

Five Circles in a Rectangle in a Semi-Circle

Five Circles in a Rectangle in a Semi-Circle

Each of the small circles has area 11. What’s the area of the semicircle?

Solution by Pythagoras' Theorem and Circle Area

Five circles in a rectangle in a semi-circle labelled

Let rr be the radius of the smaller circles, so πr 2=1\pi r^2 = 1, and let RR be the radius of the semi-circle. Then with the points labelled as in the diagram above, the length of ABA B is 2r2 r, of OAO A is 5r5 r, and of OBO B is RR. Applying Pythagoras' theorem to triangle OABO A B shows that:

R 2=(2r) 2+(5r) 2=29r 2 R^2 = (2 r)^2 + (5 r)^2 = 29 r^2

The area of the semi-circle is therefore:

12πR 2=292πr 2=292 \frac{1}{2} \pi R^2 = \frac{29}{2} \pi r^2 = \frac{29}{2}